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Weed Prevention and Control

Here in the desert, weeds grow year-round. Often, folks here are surprised to find that they need weed control in the winter months, as well as the rest of the year.

Pre-Emergent Treatment

Unfortunately, pre-emergent treatments aren’t 100 per cent effective. Pre-emergent applications are applied uniformly over the entire yard directly on dirt and rock landscaped areas to control weed seeds before they sprout (emerge). This material is designed to stop the seeds from germinating, but does not affect pre-existing or established plants. Any vegetation or weeds that already are present will not be harmed by the pre-emergent application.

Most manufacturers labels state that an application of a pre-emergent will last for 6 months. We recommend treating your yard twice per year, at least 6 months apart.

You can still have some weeds, because at any given time, there can be hundreds of thousands of seeds on your property, just waiting for the right amount of rain, light and temperature to start growing.

Post-Emergent Treatment

Post-emergent herbicides control weeds that have already sprouted and begun to grow. If you let them keep growing, they mature, make more seeds, and your weed problem will get worse.

We spray a liquid application directly on unwanted weeds to kill them. This material is absorbed through the leaf or skin of the plant and is drawn into the root to insure the death of the weed. The application can be used for dirt, and rock landscapes. Please understand that we must take extra care when using post-emergent’s especially on windy days.

Nature has designed it so that only a portion of the seeds will germinate in any given year. This is to ensure them of their survival. Different species of weed seeds can stay dormant in the ground for many years. Plus, seeds are constantly being brought into your yard by the wind, animals and us. It’s a never ending battle.

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